Блог им. mio-my-mio |Пока нет никакого соглашения??? Есть. Точка.

Члены Палаты Представителей(The House), а точнее её «большинство»,  возражают против принятия fiscal-cliff билля, вариант которого был передан им на рассмотрение из Сената.
В данный момент, Палата обсуждает вариант двойного голосования 
за 2 разные версии билля, один — в их редакции, второй — в том варианте, в котором они получили его из Сената.

«House Republican leaders have decided on a process that may allow an up-or-down vote on the fiscal-cliff deal that has passed the Senate. Rep. Steven LaTourette, a Republican from Louisiana, said in an interview on CNN that  Republican leaders will poll their members shortly on two versions of a cliff deal. One would amend the Senate bill and add spending cuts, while the second would be a clean version of the Senate plan. After the discussions and seeing which version has the most support, LaTourette said the leaders will decide which version to bring to a vote. LaTourette, who opposes the Senate bill, said he thinks that the House will ultimately vote on the clean bill. „We've been beaten this fight, I am very sad there are no spending reductions in the bill,“ LaTourette said.»

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Блог им. mio-my-mio |"Fiscal cliff" deal reached between White House

The White House and congressional lawmakers have reached a deal to avoid the «fiscal-cliff» that would delay harsh spending cuts by two months, Obama administration officials said on Monday.

President Barack Obama called Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who both signed off on the deal, one source said.


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